Royal Oak Business Internship Program offers internship opportunities
Our Credit Union and Royal Oak Forward announce the extension of the Royal Oak Business Internship Program with five additional internship opportunities. The Royal Oak Business Internship Program matches Michigan State University and other state university students with local area businesses to complete deliverable based projects/internships. With more than 50 percent of graduating students leaving the state, the program seeks to highlight the Royal Oak area and its businesses, in addition to providing college students with real world work experience. The internship program has concluded three internships to date. Most recently, Yury Ratomski completed his internship with McClure’s Pickles. “My experience at McClure’s was very positive. This was my first internship and it was really nice to work in a place where I can put my own spin on things,” he said. “I got to do a lot of different things, from implementing an inventory management program, to booking orders and just overall busines...